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Signature Seventy Chocolate bar with chocolate shavings

Exploring the World of 70% Dark Chocolate

06 Jul 2024 / Comments Off on Exploring the World of 70% Dark Chocolate

The Allure of 70% Dark Chocolate Have you ever wondered why chocolate connoisseurs rave about 70% dark chocolate? At Mr Popple’s Chocolate, we’ve been handcrafting artisanal chocolate bars since 2007, and like most other artisan producers we have our own 70% bar in our lineup. Our Signature Seventy chocolate bar is closely based to the…

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a woman is relaxing stress free at home

Melt Away Stress with Raw Cacao Chocolate: Stress Relief in a Bar

06 Jul 2024 / Comments Off on Melt Away Stress with Raw Cacao Chocolate: Stress Relief in a Bar

Unwinding with the Power of Raw Cacao: Nature’s Stress-Buster Have you ever wondered why some chocolate makes you feel more relaxed than others? The secret lies in the magical world of raw cacao. As an artisan chocolatier with over 15 years of experience (of eating chocolate every day as well as making it!), I’ve come…

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An Athlete winning a running race

Fuel Your Fitness: The Surprising Sports Performance Enhancing Benefits of Chocolate for Athletes

05 Jul 2024 / Comments Off on Fuel Your Fitness: The Surprising Sports Performance Enhancing Benefits of Chocolate for Athletes

Have you ever considered that, of all things, chocolate could actually boost your athletic performance? It might sound too good to be true, but recent research suggests that dark chocolate, in particular, can be more than just a guilty pleasure. In fact, it might just give you the edge you need in your next sporting…

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Woman receiving a chocolate back massage

How Applying AND Eating Chocolate Can Transform Your Skin

22 Jun 2024 / Comments Off on How Applying AND Eating Chocolate Can Transform Your Skin

The Delicious Connection Between Chocolate and Skin Health Imagine biting into a square of rich, velvety chocolate and discovering it’s not just a treat for your taste buds, but a potential boon for your skin as well. Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? Well, prepare to be pleasantly surprised! As an artisan chocolate…

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Sleeping business man

Sweet Dreams: How Raw Cacao and Dark Chocolate Can Revolutionise Your Sleep Cycle

22 Jun 2024 / Comments Off on Sweet Dreams: How Raw Cacao and Dark Chocolate Can Revolutionise Your Sleep Cycle

The Sweet Science: How Chocolate Affects Your Body Clock Have you ever found yourself reaching for a chocolate bar late at night, only to toss and turn for hours afterward? Or perhaps you’ve noticed a boost in energy and focus after savouring a square of dark chocolate or raw cacao in the afternoon? As it…

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Letterbox Chocolate: Your Secure Delivery Solution for Worry-Free Indulgence

22 Jun 2024 / Comments Off on Letterbox Chocolate: Your Secure Delivery Solution for Worry-Free Indulgence

Picture this: you’ve just ordered a delectable assortment of artisanal chocolate bars, eagerly anticipating their arrival. But as the delivery date approaches, a nagging worry creeps into your mind. What if your precious parcel is left outside, exposed to the elements or, worse yet, falls into the wrong hands? Enter the practical solution of letterbox chocolate…

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Woman increasing her mental clarity with raw cacao

Mental Clarity: How to Enhance Cognitive Performance with Mr Popple’s Chocolate, made with Raw Cacao

21 Jun 2024 / Comments Off on Mental Clarity: How to Enhance Cognitive Performance with Mr Popple’s Chocolate, made with Raw Cacao

Have you ever wished you could sharpen your focus, banish brain fog, and power through your to-do list with laser-like clarity? As a chocolate maker and cacao entrepeneur, I’ve always been fascinated by the potential of this beloved treat to not only tantalise the taste buds but to nourish the mind. What if I told…

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A small jug of yacon being poured

Can Yacon Sweetened Dark Chocolate Help with Weight Loss and Weight Management?

21 Jun 2024 / Comments Off on Can Yacon Sweetened Dark Chocolate Help with Weight Loss and Weight Management?

In recent years, yacon syrup has been gaining traction as a natural, low-calorie sweetener with potential health benefits, particularly for weight loss and management. This unique, delicious and healthy sweetener, naturally derived from the roots of the yacon plant native to the Peruvian Andes, has piqued the interest of health-conscious individuals seeking alternatives to traditional…

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Pure Peruvian Chocolate with cacao nibs and chocolate squares

The Nutritional Benefits of 100% Dark Chocolate

19 Jun 2024 / Comments Off on The Nutritional Benefits of 100% Dark Chocolate

100% chocolate bars, also known as unsweetened chocolate or 100% cacao bars, are made entirely from cacao beans, without any added sugar, milk, or in fact any other ingredients. This pure form of chocolate is rich in flavanols, a type of polyphenol antioxidant which may provide cardiovascular benefits. Unlike milk or white chocolate, which contain a…

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A range of low glycemic foods including dark chocolate

Don’t Get Spiked with Sugar – Enjoy Chocolate that is low GI (Glycaemic Index)

18 Jun 2024 / Comments Off on Don’t Get Spiked with Sugar – Enjoy Chocolate that is low GI (Glycaemic Index)

Chocolate – the mere mention of this delectable treat conjures up images of decadence and indulgence. For years, chocolate has been portrayed as an unhealthy temptation, a guilty pleasure to be savoured sparingly. However, the rise of low glycaemic index (GI) chocolate has turned this notion on its head, offering a healthier alternative for those…

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