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Atey Ate Chocolate bar with Chocolate shavings and cacao nib pile

The Rich Flavour of 80%+ Dark Chocolate: A Decadent Journey into Cocoa Bliss

11 Jul 2024 / Comments Off on The Rich Flavour of 80%+ Dark Chocolate: A Decadent Journey into Cocoa Bliss

The Allure of High-Percentage Dark Chocolate Have you ever found yourself craving a chocolate experience that’s truly extraordinary? Something that goes beyond the ordinary sweet treat and tantalises your taste buds with complex flavours and rich aromas? Well, dear chocolate lover, let me introduce you to the captivating world of 80%+ dark chocolate! As an…

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cacao flower growing from the trunk of a cacao tree

From Flower to Fruit: The Cacao Tree’s Fascinating Reproductive Cycle

11 Jul 2024 / Comments Off on From Flower to Fruit: The Cacao Tree’s Fascinating Reproductive Cycle

The Enchanting World of Cacao Flowers Have you ever wondered about the journey your favourite chocolate bar takes before it reaches your hands? It’s a tale that begins with a tiny, unassuming flower – the cacao flower. As an artisan chocolate maker since 2007, I’ve developed a deep appreciation for these remarkable blossoms and their…

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smiling doctor pointing to serotonin molecule

Chocolate’s Feel-Good Factor: Mood-Boosting Tryptophan from Raw Cacao

10 Jul 2024 / Comments Off on Chocolate’s Feel-Good Factor: Mood-Boosting Tryptophan from Raw Cacao

Ever found yourself reaching for a chocolate bar after a stressful day? There might be more to your cravings than you realise. As an artisan chocolate maker with over 15 years of experience, I’ve always been fascinated by the complex chemistry behind our beloved treats. Today, let’s dive into the world of tryptophan – a…

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anandamine the bliss molecule in chocolate

The Bliss Molecule: Why the Anandamine in Chocolate Makes You Feel So Good

10 Jul 2024 / Comments Off on The Bliss Molecule: Why the Anandamine in Chocolate Makes You Feel So Good

Chocolate… that velvety, rich indulgence that’s been captivating our taste buds and warming our hearts for centuries. Whether you’re a connoisseur of fine artisanal creations or simply can’t resist a cheeky bite of your favourite bar, there’s no denying the universal appeal of this heavenly treat. But what if I told you that there’s more…

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Subscription box of Vegan Chocolate bars

Indulge All Year Round with Allergen-Free Chocolate Subscription Boxes

09 Jul 2024 / Comments Off on Indulge All Year Round with Allergen-Free Chocolate Subscription Boxes

Are you or a loved one one of the 220 million people who have one or more food allergies? Have you ever found yourself longing for a guilt-free, worry-free chocolate indulgence? Well, your prayers have been answered in the form of our allergen-free chocolate subscription boxes. These delectable deliveries are taking the free from world…

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a girl about to eat chocolate, looking blissful

Phenylethylamine (PEA) – Love at First Bite? The PEA-Packed, Mood-Boosting Magic of Mr Popple’s Chocolate

09 Jul 2024 / Comments Off on Phenylethylamine (PEA) – Love at First Bite? The PEA-Packed, Mood-Boosting Magic of Mr Popple’s Chocolate

Have you ever wondered why a bite of quality chocolate can instantly lift your spirits? The answer might surprise you – it’s not just the delightful taste, but a fascinating compound called phenylethylamine (PEA) that’s working its magic. As the founder of Mr Popple’s Chocolate, I’ve dedicated nearly two decades to unlocking the secrets of…

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The letters MAGNESIUM held in the air

Magnesium Magic: How Cacao and Mr Popple’s Chocolate Can Boost Your Health and Well-being

08 Jul 2024 / Comments Off on Magnesium Magic: How Cacao and Mr Popple’s Chocolate Can Boost Your Health and Well-being

Ah, chocolate! That delectable treat we Brits can’t seem to resist. But did you know that, far from being just a delectable treat, chocolate contains an incredible amount of magnesium? This magnificent mineral is a veritable Swiss Army knife for your health, supporting everything from heart function and bone strength to mood regulation and energy…

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Protecting Brain Health

Neuroprotective Nourishment: Supporting Brain Health with Mr Popple’s Chocolate & Raw Cacao

08 Jul 2024 / Comments Off on Neuroprotective Nourishment: Supporting Brain Health with Mr Popple’s Chocolate & Raw Cacao

The Sweet Science of Brain Health: How Chocolate Can Protect Your Cognitive Function Have you ever found yourself reaching for a chocolate bar after a long day, craving that sweet comfort? Well, what if I told you that your favourite treat might be doing more than just satisfying your sweet tooth? It turns out that…

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A woman receiving the birthday gift of vegan chocolate bars

Vegan Friendly Chocolate Birthday Gifts: Celebrate with Plant-Based Chocolate Bars

08 Jul 2024 / Comments Off on Vegan Friendly Chocolate Birthday Gifts: Celebrate with Plant-Based Chocolate Bars

So it’s your best mate’s birthday, and you’re racking your brain for the perfect pressie? But wait, there’s a catch – they’re vegan… What’s a thoughtful friend to do? Fear not, chocolate lovers! The world of vegan-friendly treats is expanding faster than you can say “plant-based”, and we’re here to unwrap the delicious possibilities. The…

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An Ancient Mayan cacao ceremony

The Spiritual Significance of Cacao in Mayan Culture

07 Jul 2024 / Comments Off on The Spiritual Significance of Cacao in Mayan Culture

Cacao: The Sacred Bean of the Gods Ah, cacao – the delightful source that gifts us chocolate. But did you know that long before it became the sweet treat we know and love today, cacao held a far more profound significance? In the heart of ancient Mesoamerica, the Maya revered cacao as a divine gift,…

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