Independent Retailer Month 2021
6 Reasons to Support Local
It’s July 2021, and that means it’s Independent Retailer Month! It’s a great time to highlight the importance of supporting smaller, local and independent businesses across the UK.
This month, we want to spread awareness and bring attention to how important it is to support your local independent shops, cafes and markets, especially after the tougher times we have seen recently due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Many small retailers depend on the surrounding communities visiting their establishments, but this has been impossible over the last few months, and has put a lot of small businesses in danger of closing down.
We can clearly see after the last year and a half, there’s an undeniable need for events such as the Independent Retailer Month. Here are some great reasons why we think shopping local should be a part of your routine!
It Helps the Local Economy
By shopping local, you will be putting money into the local economy, helping aid national recovery after the pandemic. This will also help create a bustling town or village life. Putting money into the local economy will help to build more beautiful public spaces, like parks and libraries. People will come to not only shop but to socialise, and visit on holidays.
They Know Their Stuff

Mr Popple’s Chocolate is stocked in many small retailers, and we LOVE that they tend to know their stuff when it comes to understanding what makes a product not only great, but unique (just like our yacon sweetened bars). You’re bound to talk to a small shop owner or worker that will chat for hours about what they stock, where it comes from, and most importantly, why it’s great for you and suited to you. We can guarantee you can find the best customer service in independent retailers.
It Helps the Environment
Believe it or not, but shopping locally can actually help the environment. When communities use their local shops and cafes, they are more likely to walk or cycle to get there. This reduces the carbon footprint produced by people driving or using public transport to get to superstores and shopping malls. Giving back to the environment is so important to us here at Mr Popple’s, knowing that shopping locally could reduce negative environmental impact is even more of an excuse to advocate for Independent Retailers Month!
Friendly Experiences
Locally owned businesses have owners and workers that tend to know the community where they’re based. Having a great relationship with customers really adds a personal touch to your shopping experience. They know what you want and need, and are happy to help in any way. Many are very grateful for your custom, so they make sure to create a memorable, happy experience when shopping in their stores, or enjoy a lovely chat when you’re in your local coffee shop. Whats better than that?
Shopping Local Creates Jobs
Not only does using local stores allow retailers to keep and save their jobs and livelihoods, it actually helps to create more jobs in the future. Creating these jobs helps to manage a better place to live and work, which helps the economy in your community.

Small retailers tend to offer rewards to customers, to entice them to keep coming back. Buy 5 coffees at your local coffee shop, get the 6th free, half price off the next time in… just because! You simply cannot find these amazing friendly deals in major outlets. That means more saving for you!
Mr Popple’s Chocolate is stocked in a lot of smaller independent retailers across the whole of the UK. These shops, cafes and markets offer amazing experiences and friendly service, and we will always advocate shopping local. You can find some amazing unique products in these stores, suited just for you! Whether it’s organic, vegan, gluten or allergen free, or simply locally grown veg, we are sure you are bound to find all you ever need down the street.
Do your bit, and buy local, support your community and the people in it this July.