A Taste of Love: Why Chocolate Is An Ancient Aphrodisiac

One of the oldest aphrodisiacs that we know of is chocolate. It was said to have been given as a gift from the gods, used by Aztec priests to increase fertility, and has been popular among royalty for centuries. Let’s explore some interesting facts about chocolate and why it might be an ancient aphrodisiac!

Channel Your Inner Casanova

Chocolate has long been known for its power to excite the senses, but chocolate’s history as an aphrodisiac stretches all the way back to the Aztec and Mayan times, in South America. The great Aztec ruler Montezuma was one of the first red hot lovers to tap into the strengths of the aphrodisiac of chocolate.

The Theobroma cacao tree, in which chocolate is made and named after, was considered a gift from the gods. They believed that drinking hot cocoa before bedtime would help increase fertility among women who were having trouble conceiving children or those with menstrual ailments.

The Spanish Conquistadors were said to have brought back cacao to Europe because of its aphrodisiacal qualities. There are numerous records of them not being a fan of the bitter taste of cacao, so it makes sense that there was another reason why cacao was such a big hit with the Spanish.

This beverage also became popular in Europe during the 16th century when it began to be used as a medicinal drink for people of royalty such as Catherine de Medici of France (who preferred hers flavoured with vanilla). She brought this custom back to her homeland where she passed down its use to her daughter Mary of Scotland who married King Henry II of France; making chocolate even more prevalent among the French.

The notorious lover, Casanova, was said to have consumed vast quantities of chocolate for its aphrodisiac qualities.

The Universal Aphrodisiac

As far back as the Aztecs, cocoa beans were used as currency and offered to the gods in religious ceremonies.

The Aztecs were the first to discover chocolate’s potential as an aphrodisiac. It was believed that cocoa beans, which they turned into a drink called xocolatl (chocolate), had divine powers and could boost sexual prowess. The Mayans also used cacao seeds in their rituals and sacrifices; they even gave them to young couples on their wedding nights for use during honeymoons!

The Etruscans believed that chocolate controlled their passions and could therefore be used as an aphrodisiac to increase fertility! Ancient Egyptians also thought highly of chocolate, believing it had strong medicinal properties. They allegedly drank cocoa mixed with honey for energy before acting upon their desires—and they didn’t even have espresso machines! I guess you could say this ancient drink was pretty potent stuff…

An Enduring Favourite

Chocolate has been a part of human history for thousands of years. In fact, some archaeologists believe that cocoa beans were first used as food in Mexico over 4000 years ago. This semi-liquid form had the perfect blend of nutrients and calories to give people energy while not being too difficult to eat or drink. Over time, this tradition evolved into what we now know as chocolate – one of the most beloved treats on Earth!

Chocolate is a notorious Valentine’s Day gift, a universal symbol of love…and lust? There is a reason why there are shelves full to the brim with every size and shape of chocolate imaginable, it all stems from its origins as an aphrodisiac. Modern day chocolate has a significantly improved taste and texture, but the underlying chemistry we have with chocolate is still ever-present.

The Science Behind Love & Chocolate

There have been numerous studies and scientific opinions on chocolate as an aphrodisiac over the centuries. Despite little concrete evidence, it is still widely believed that chocolate has aphrodisiac qualities. Make your own mind up and put our raw organic chocolate bars to the test!

Studies have shown that cocoa can increase blood flow in parts of our body beyond our torso.

In the late Twentieth Century, Michael Liebowitz, of the New York State Psychiatric Institute, proved that phenylethylamine (PEA) in chocolate gives off the same hormone that’s released during times someone feels loved or in love.

Many cultures believe that darker chocolate is more potent than milk or white varieties, because they contain higher levels of cocoa. This is turn means there are greater quantities of phenethylamine (PEA) present in the chocolate, this compound is related to mood elevation. PEA can trigger feelings similar to those people experience when in love!

A Love Language?

It’s also known as “the love drug” because of its effects on your brain—specifically dopamine release levels. Studies have shown that high-quality dark chocolate can improve mood by triggering these same neurotransmitters’ activity within the brain.

It has been said that eating chocolate stimulates the hypothalamus, a very important part of our brain that is in charge of hormone production. The joyous response we get when eating chocolate comes from the hypothalamus, as it stimulates the release of serotonin and a resultant pleasurable feeling.

So next time you’re looking for something sweet to try with someone special, why not go grab a bar of good quality dark chocolate, make their day with this super sultry gift.

Montezuma believed chocolate contained magical properties – but what about us? Well, it features heavily in Valentine’s Day traditions all over the world too, so does this mean we’re on board with his idea?

You can find out for yourself by visiting us at

We’d love for you to try some today!
